

Ai sensi degli artt. 52 e seguenti del D.L.vo 206/2005, se il cliente è un consumatore (ossia una persona fisica che acquista la merce per scopi non riferibili alla propria attività professionale), ha diritto a recedere dal contratto di acquisto per qualsiasi motivo, senza necessità di fornire spiegazioni e senza alcuna penalità, fatta eccezione per le tipologie di prodotti per i quali ciò è espressamente escluso (vedi art.59 D.L.vo 206/2005).

To exercise this right, the customer will have to send to Arredamenti Italia group S.r.l. a communication in this sense, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the goods. This communication must be sent via e-mail: The terms of return are intended for unused goods and in compliance with current regulations.

We will accept without hesitation the return of any item, provided that it is in perfect condition, refunding the full amount except for direct costs (packaging and transport), as required by Italian law.

The direct costs (packaging and transport) of the product return for right of withdrawal are charged to the Customer. In case the product is picked up by a courier of Arredamenti Italia group S.r.l.. The prices vary according to the weight of the items (0/10 kg euro 10,00; 10/25 kg euro 15,00; 25/50 kg euro 20,00). In this case the responsibility of the shipment is at Arredamenti Italia group S.r.l.'s charge.

The customer can also make the return with a courier of his choice, but, in this case, the shipment until the certificate of receipt in the warehouses of Arredamenti Italia group S.r.l., is under the complete responsibility of the customer.

Arredamenti Italia group S.r.l. will make the reimbursement within 14 days from the receipt of the products in its own warehouses. The right of withdrawal is totally lost, for lack of the essential condition of integrity of the good.